Improve the energy efficiency of your compressed air system
Compressed air equipment is a huge consumer of electricity and usually accounts for at least 15% of a plant's energy use. BCAS offers a range of products and services designed to help you improve the energy efficiency of your compressed air set-up.
Over 35 years' specialist experience
Expert advice and support
Working with
premium brands
Full health and safety accredited
Reducing costs and your impact on the environment
Energy efficiency is a significant consideration for most organisations today, whether they are looking to reduce their costs or their environmental impact, or both. There are many ways in which you can improve the efficiency of your compressed air equipment, and BCAS can help.
At BCAS, we believe that energy efficiency is so important to our customers that we have appointed an in-house Energy Efficiency Specialist. Their job is to look at your compressed air system holistically and identify key areas you can make changes easily, delivering a return on investment quickly. Click here to view our free, specialist guide on how you can improve the energy efficiency of your compressed air system, or contact us directly for more information.
Keep your system on top form
Regular planned maintenance is another way you can ensure that your compressed air plant and ancillary equipment continue to perform efficiently.
These are just some of these areas to consider when looking to make significant savings and improve the energy efficiency of your compressed air system. For further advice, contact our team.

Contact our team in Oxfordshire to find out how you can reduce your energy usage.
01491 821737